More of my photos from Australia

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last days in oz

today, besides visiting the amazing crocodylus park just outside of darwin, we returned our trusty land cruiser after 3 weeks of camping and roadtripping our way from adelaide to darwin. this ended up taking us over 6000km across australia.

returning the car marks the end of the portion of the trip with jean, who will be staying in australia for a while before heading home, hopefully to rejoin for a while later this year. i'll definitely miss travelling with jean, but i've done solo travelling before, so i'll continue forward the around-the-world goal. this means that i only have a few days left in australia before i fly to brunei and begin my tour around southeast asia.

australia, i'll miss you, especially given that you are the only country i've been to that is as completely simpsons-obsessed as i am.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 26, 2006 11:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was all is well in darwin.

The next post in this blog is welcome to southeast asia.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.