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towers and the night market

while roaming through Kuala Lumpur today, i ended up going to the famous Petronas Towers for my free ride up to the skybridge. after realizing that i had to wait 2 hours to actually get up to the skybridge (an inconvent time for that neighborhood, since there isn't anything else within walking distance, and the train would take long enough to not allow proper sightseeing of another area in the meantime), i whiled away some time in Suria KLCC, the mall beneath the shopping towers, where i looked for any needed supplies at isetan, and could not avoid having my first "american" meal in 2.5 months and had lunch at the california pizza kitchen which was inexplicably present in the mall.

the actual visit to the walkway was fairly uneventful (besides an ear-popping elevator ride), but i did take a bunch of photos of the towers themselves. that night i rounded things off with a delicious dinner at the night market, prepared in the most elaborate night market kitchen i've seen to date.

i'm headed out via bus to the cameron highlands in the morning for a few days of sightseeing and hiking on their famous trails before heading down to singapore next week.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2006 11:17 PM.

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