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looking forward to tanzania

my next stop on this trip is tanzania, where my wonderful friend fiona connected me with the most excellent mr. remmy who lives out there. while remmy and i were discussing possible safaris to do while i'm in Tanzania in a few week's time, he sent me these notes (slightly paraphrased by me):

"The parks to visit are Ngorongoro Crater which is one of the worlds heritage sites, decorated with lakes where you can find find thousands of flamingos, hippos, rhinos, elephants, buffaloes & other game birds. There are also swamps with underground spring water. Here you can find a lot of water birds.

Another park i would suggest you visit is Serengeti national park. By this time you'll likely be able to see big numbers of migrants, like thousands of wildebeest, Zebras, Buffaloes being followed by the predators like lions, cheetah, jackals, hyenas, etc. Currently this migration is from north masai mara heading to south serengeti."

wow. that just sounds incredible.

in other news, i had a totally amazing thanksgiving thanks to the american/german couple i met at a cairo-area korean bbq restaurant two nights ago and who invited me over to their flat for thanksgiving dinner. it was delicious (and the german red cabbage instead of cranberry sauce worked surprisingly well), and was exactly what i needed on a thanksgiving where i'm halfway around the world and nine months from home. for my american readers, i hope your thanksgivings were just as good!

i also saw the pyramids at memphis and giza. fantastic. amazing. cool. i'll back-post some blogging about them when i have a chance to catch up on my blog around christmas (along with detail on the UAE, oman, and jordan).

i'm on a midnight bus tonight to dahab, where the plan is to do not much for several days except scuba dive in the red sea and laze about town. just what i need after escaping the air pollution of cairo!

ps. my backpack has (at last) been returned to me by the airline, minus the locks and a few items. no major losses, though!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 24, 2006 4:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was cairo, my luggage, pyramids, king tut, and pierre cardin.

The next post in this blog is caught up at last with Lost.

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