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breakdancing in bandar

you'll all be glad to know that the fine art of breakdancing is alive and well in brunei.

i was walking near the water when i passed a group of teenage kids. one of them said to me "Yo, man," and immediately broke out into his best breakdancing moves. i just stopped and stared.

there are rare moments where you feel surreal cross-cultural connections through pop culture. this was one of those moments. faith, i should have learned breakdancing from you earlier, or at least watched the movie "wild style" a few more times, so i would have had something to contribute back to the moment.

a quick aside: the people here are honestly friendly. being one of the few western tourists wandering around brunei's capital (bandar seri begawan), i get a few stares, especially from kids. but people here are nearly universally polite and friendly once you talk to them, and an unsolicited "hello" from a stranger is just a simply "hi", and not a "hi, i would like to draw you into some kind of scam or sketchy deal which will inevitably involve separating you from the contents of your wallet."

while (unfortunately) i didn't get any photos, please content yourselves with the mental image of breakdancing in brunei.

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